Tipping without cash? We that we have done for you.
Scan the QR code and reveal yours thanks to the employee. No need to download any App.
About us
Tiptop is a very simple tool with which the customer, employee and organization can easily and quickly manage their processes.The mobile app allows employees to easily see tips and customer feedback
How it works
For Guest
Scan the QR code and go to the payment page. No need to download the App and to register. It’s simple and easy
Select one of the options of tip amount or enter your amount. Rate the service and leave feedback.
Choose payment method…
How it works
Download App
Register, attach your card and connect to the organization’s account
Manage your money
How it works
Register your organization
Add employees by groups or separately
Manage money flow, rates and comments
Personal account to manage data
Branded materials
Convenient for all service sectors
Easy handling tool for quality management and improvement
Technical support…
Free connection
Available in 3 languages:ArmenianRussianEnglish
Click on the link to connect to the platform
How to leave a tip
Yes, it`s free
Yes, there are two options. Either paid by the customer or deducted from the tip
We are available wherever you see our tiptop logo at the entrance or placed on tables